[Solved] Module One Activity Template

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[Solved] Module One Activity Template


For this activity, you will be completing a discussion self-assessment. Complete this activity after you have completed your initial and response posts for the Module One discussion. You will use the Psychology Undergraduate Discussion Rubric to determine what proficiency levels you would give yourself for each rubric criteria for your own initial post and response posts. You will complete eight discussions in the course. Use this as an opportunity to explore how you will be graded and ask your instructor any questions you have about the rubric.


The following resources support your work on the activity:

For this activity, you will use the Module One Activity Template provided to self-assess your Module One discussion. Make sure that before you begin your self-assessment, you review all of the supporting materials linked above, and that you clearly connect your review of your own initial and response posts from the Module One Discussion to the criteria included in the Psychology Undergraduate Discussion Rubric.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Describe your level of proficiency as Exemplary, Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Not Evident for Contribution to the Learning Community and justify your response.
  • Describe your level of proficiency as Exemplary, Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Not Evident for Relevance to Programmatic Themes and justify your response.
  • Describe your level of proficiency as Exemplary, Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Not Evident for Advancement of Discussion and justify your response.
  • Describe your level of proficiency as Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Not Evident for Professional Communication and justify response.
  • Describe your level of proficiency as Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Not Evident for Timeliness and justify your response.
  • Describe how you followed the norms of practice for online discussion in your posts this week.
  • Describe how you used ethical usage practices in your posts this week.

What to Submit

Submit your Module One Activity Template.

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